Have you recently put your faith in Jesus? Have you been a believer for awhile, but never taken the step of baptism? Are you ready to put your faith in Jesus and be baptized?
Baptism is a step of faith in obedience to God, it's one way we tell the world that we're a Christian, and it's an experience of God's awesome grace!
In baptism, we outwardly display what's going on inside of us: our old lives of sin are buried, we're washed clean by faith in Jesus, and we're raised to a new life in Him!
Baptism is a step of faith in obedience to God, it's one way we tell the world that we're a Christian, and it's an experience of God's awesome grace!
In baptism, we outwardly display what's going on inside of us: our old lives of sin are buried, we're washed clean by faith in Jesus, and we're raised to a new life in Him!

Learn together.
LifeCourses are a great way to learn in a group setting, while you explore faith in Jesus! LifeCourses are not LifeGroups. They're more of a class setting where you can learn Bible basics, learn how to develop spiritual practices, and learn foundations of faith.
LifeCourses are topical group studies that range from 4-11 weeks. The teachers, content, and courses rotate and stay fresh throughout the year. If you're looking to engage with other people and learn together, check out a LifeCourse!
LifeCourses are topical group studies that range from 4-11 weeks. The teachers, content, and courses rotate and stay fresh throughout the year. If you're looking to engage with other people and learn together, check out a LifeCourse!

Grow together.
Everyone needs community! Our goal is to help people move forward in their journey in a small environment where personal connections are formed. LifeGroups are a place to build friendships, to share deep things, to pray and study, and encourage each other! These groups aren't classes, or just "bible studies," they're people doing life together!
Let us help you find a place to belong. Because people are all different, we have different kinds of groups: Women’s groups, Men’s groups, groups for married couples, young adults & college students, and integrated groups for all ages and stages of life!
Let us help you find a place to belong. Because people are all different, we have different kinds of groups: Women’s groups, Men’s groups, groups for married couples, young adults & college students, and integrated groups for all ages and stages of life!

Connect with God.
Prayer is powerful. It's an essential part of who we are as Christians. Not only is it a time to present God with the deepest parts of our lives: our longings, our worries, our fears, but also to give him praise and thanksgiving! Prayer can center us, and focuses our attention to the One who is all knowing, and all powerful. Want to learn how to develop a prayer life? Join in on Wednesdays at 6:00pm in the 2nd Floor Theater at Foothills.

Use your gifts.
God has created us each uniquely and given us gifts, talents, and skills to reach the lost, build and encourage His Church, and love Him! Volunteering to serve is a great way to learn and grow in the the gifts God has given you!
From Kids Church to set up crew to community outreach -- we have serving opportunities for you!
From Kids Church to set up crew to community outreach -- we have serving opportunities for you!

Our mission together.
If you've been attending our church and you want to intentionally be on mission with us to Love God, Love People, and teach people how to follow Jesus, you might want to be a New Life One Partner! Partners love, serve, and build up the church. "Partnership" is another way of saying "Church Membership" but at New Life One we call Members, "Partners" - because we're partnering in ministry together!
New Life One Partners: have personal faith in Jesus, have been baptized, attend church regularly, and are committed to the mission, vision, and leadership of the church.
New Life One Partners: have personal faith in Jesus, have been baptized, attend church regularly, and are committed to the mission, vision, and leadership of the church.

The Path to Partnership:

Take the "What's a Free Methodist?" LifeCourse
You'll learn about our denomination, and get excited about the vision for the global church!
Offered throughout the year.
Offered throughout the year.

Take the Partnership Crash Course
You'll learn an overview of our church, how we do ministry together, and what being a partner is all about! Then you can pray about your next step!
Offered 3 times a year: Winter, Spring, Fall.
NEXT COURSE: June 25th
Offered 3 times a year: Winter, Spring, Fall.
NEXT COURSE: June 25th

Join a LifeGroup
Partners need to be connected with each other, and growing together!

Get involved in ministry life at the church in outreach, or in-church serving. Partnership is all about being on mission together!

Meet with a Pastor
Discuss any questions or comments you have after taking the courses and spending time in prayer. The Pastor will then take your name to our Board Of Administration for Partnership Approval!